Abdominal Fat

Abdominal Fat

The following study reveals individuals with a normal BMI but excess weight in their midsection are at a greater risk of mortality. Counterintuitively, the study found those who are overweight/obese, but lean around their midsection, do not carry this same mortality...
Iron Absorption

Iron Absorption

Iron is one of the hardest minerals to absorb. If you’ve ever taken an iron supplement—you would agree avoiding them is to your advantage! Although there are many vitamins and minerals that are difficult to absorb, consulting a dietitian can provide you with important...
The Healthiest Hearts In The World

The Healthiest Hearts In The World

Meet the people who are found to have the healthiest hearts in the world. The people of Tsimane, a region found in the lowlands of Bolivia, showed little signs of plaque buildup in their arteries. Though their lifestyles are significantly different than us Americans-...
The Sunshine Vitamin

The Sunshine Vitamin

A new study suggests Vitamin D can help prevent upper respiratory infections. Increasing your intake of foods rich in Vitamin D, supplementation of the vitamin, or 10-15 minutes of sunlight each day can help prevent you from getting sick. ...